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NaM602006_Lolina V Universal Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit-Lolina

NaM602006_Lolina V Universal Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit


    Lolina A/S

    Address: Sindalsvej 30 8240 Risskov Danmark 

                        Email: Info@lolina.dk

     Website: https://lolina.dk

    Product Information



    Product name

    Lolina® V Universal Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Kit




    100 T / 500 T / 1000 T / 10000 T

    Storage and shipping

    1. The product is shipped with ice pack.

    2.    The product can be stored at -15℃ ~ -25℃ for 18 months.







    Application equipment

    ABI 5700, 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900HT Fast, StepOne™, StepOne Plus , ABI  7500,   7500 Fast, ViiA™7, QuantStudio ™ 3 and 5, QuantStudio 6,7, 12k Flex

    Stratagene MX3000P™, MX3005P™, MX4000P™

    Bio-Rad CFX96™, CFX384™,   iCycler iQ™, iQ™5,   MyiQ™, MiniOpticon™, Opticon®, Opticon® 2, Chromo4™

    Eppendorf Mastercycler® ep   realplex, realplex 2 s

    Qiagen Corbett Rotor-Gene®   Q, Rotor-Gene® 3000, Rotor-Gene® 6000

    Roche Applied Science LightCycler® 480, LightCycler® 2.0; Lightcycler® 96

    Thermo Scientific PikoReal   Cycler; Cepheid SmartCycler®;   Illumina Eco qPCR



    Product description


    Lolina® V Universal  Multiplex  One  Step  RT-qPCR Probe  Kit  is  a kit  for performing  multiplex quantitative PCR reactions using RNA as a template. During the experiment, reverse transcription and quantitative  PCR  were  performed  in  the  same  reaction  tube,  which  simplified  the  experimental operation and reduced the risk of contamination.

    This kit uses heat-stable Lolina® V Reverse Transcriptase to efficiently synthesize first-strand cDNA and Lolina® HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase for quantitative amplification. This kit mainly contains optimized MP Buffer, Enzymes Mix, etc. The buffer already contains Mg 2+  and dNTPs, etc., and has added  factors  that  effectively  inhibit  non-specific  PCR  amplification  and  factors  that  improve  the

      amplification efficiency of multiplex qPCR reactions, which can Perform up to four-plex reactions while ensuring primer amplification efficiency.














    MP Buffer

    1.25    mL

    6.25 mL

    12.5 mL

    125 mL


    Enzyme Mix


    500 μL

    1 mL

    10 mL


    a) 2×MP Buffer are the abbreviation for Multiplex One Step RT-qPCR Probe Buffer.

    b) Enzyme  Mix  mainly  contains  heat-resistant  V  Reverse  Transcriptase  and  HotStart  Taq  DNA Polymerase.




    Reaction S  stem



    Volume μL

    Final concentration

    MP Buffer


    1 ×

    Enzyme Mix


    Primer mix (10 μM)

    1 each

    0.4 μM

    Probe mix (10 μM)

    0.5 each

    0.2 μM


    1 - 10



    Up to 25


    [Note]:  Be sure to mix thoroughly before use, avoiding excessive bubbles caused by vigorous shaking.

    a) Primer concentration: Primer Mix contains multiple pairs of primers and can be adjusted between 0. 1-1.0 μM according to the situation.

    b) Probe concentration: Probe Mix contains multiple probes with different fluorescence signals, and the concentration of each probe can be adjusted between 50-300 nM according to specific conditions.

    c) Template  dilution:  The  sensitivity  of qPCR  is  extremely  high.  It  is  recommended  to  dilute  the template and control the Ct value between 20-35.

    d) Reaction system: 25-50 μL is recommended to ensure the effectiveness and reproducibility of target gene amplification.

    e) System preparation: Please prepare in a clean workbench,  and use pipette tips and reaction tubes without nuclease residues; it is recommended to use pipette tips with  filter elements;  avoid cross-

    contamination and aerosol contamination.

    Reference reaction   ro  ram


    Cycle step




    Reverse transcription

    50 °C a)

    10 min


    Initial denaturation

    95 °C

    5 min


    Amplification reaction

    95 °C

    15 sec


    60 °Cb)

    30 sec c)


    a) Reverse transcription: 42℃ or 50℃ can be used.

    b) Amplification reaction: The amplification reaction temperature is adjusted according to the designed primer Tm value.

    c)  Fluorescence signal collection: Different qPCR detection instruments require different fluorescence signal collection times. Please set according to the minimum time limit.




    1. For your safety and health, please wear lab coats and disposable gloves for operation.

    2. Please use RNase free consumables.

    3. This product is for research use ONLY
